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This page is for an older version of Jasmine (2.0)
The current stable version of Jasmine is: 5.6 - You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Using Jasmine with Python

The Jasmine Python package contains helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Python-based web projects (Django, Flask, etc.) or for JavaScript projects where Python is a welcome partner. It serves up a project's Jasmine suite in a browser so you can focus on your code instead of manually editing script tags in the Jasmine runner HTML file.


You can install Jasmine using pip or by adding it to your requirements.txt.

pip install jasmine

__init__ a Project

Initailize a project for Jasmine by creating a spec directory and configuration yaml for you.



Customize spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml to enumerate the source files, stylesheets, and spec files you would like the Jasmine runner to include. You may use dir glob strings.



Once you have set up your jasmine.yml, you can start the Jasmine server by running jasmine.


Point your browser to localhost:8888. The suite will run every time the page is re-loaded.


Start Jasmine on a different port by passing the -p flag.

jasmine -p 1337

Continuous Integration

For Continuous Integration environments, run jasmine-ci in the project build steps:


The browser used by selenium can be changed by exporting JASMINE_BROWSER

export JASMINE_BROWSER=chrome

or by setting the ----browser flag.

jasmine-ci --browser firefox