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This page is for an older version of Jasmine (2.2)
The current stable version of Jasmine is: 5.6 - You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge


Using Jasmine with node

The Jasmine node package contains helper code for developing and running Jasmine tests for node-based projects.



You can install Jasmine using npm, locally in your project and globally to use the CLI tool.

npm install jasmine

npm install -g jasmine

Init a Project


Initialize a project for Jasmine by creating a spec directory and configuration json for you.

jasmine init

Generate examples


Generate example spec and source files

jasmine examples



Customize spec/support/jasmine.json to enumerate the source files and spec files you would like the Jasmine runner to include. You may use dir glob strings.

spec_dir is used as a prefix for all spec_files and helpers. Helpers are executed before specs.

  "spec_dir": "spec",
  "spec_files": [
  "helpers": [

Running tests


Once you have set up your jasmine.json, you can start Jasmine by running jasmine from the root of your project.

Pass a relative path to a spec file to the jasmine command to only execute specs in a single file.


jasmine spec/appSpec.js

CLI Options


JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH= Specify a relative or absolute path to your configuration file. Can be used as an option or set as an environment variable.

----no-color Turns off color in spec output

JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=spec/config/jasmine.json jasmine

jasmine JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=spec/config/jasmine.json

jasmine --no-color

Using the library


Jasmine can also be used as a library in your project.

var Jasmine = require('jasmine');
var jasmine = new Jasmine();

Load configuration from a file or from an object.


  spec_dir: 'spec',
  spec_files: [
  helpers: [



A ConsoleReporter is included if no other reporters are added. You can configure the default reporter with configureDefaultReporter. The default values are shown in the example.

  onComplete: function(passed) {
      if(passed) {
      else {
  timer: new this.jasmine.Timer(),
  print: function() {
      process.stdout.write(util.format.apply(this, arguments));
  showColors: true,
  jasmineCorePath: this.jasmineCorePath

You can add a custom reporter with addReporter. If you add a reporter through addReporter, the default ConsoleReporter will not be added. Multiple reporters can be added.

var CustomReporter = require('./myCustomReporter');
var customReporter = new CustomReporter();


Run the tests


Calling execute will run the specs.


execute can optionally be called with a list of spec file paths to execute relative to your project root.


A simple example using the library

var Jasmine = require('jasmine');
var jasmine = new Jasmine();

  showColors: false