Frequently Asked Questions

  1. General
    1. How is Jasmine versioned?
    2. What is Jasmine's approach to browser and Node version support?
    3. How can I use scripts from external URLs in jasmine-browser-runner?
    4. Can Jasmine test code that's in ES modules?
    5. Why does Jasmine allow multiple expectation failures in a spec? How can I disable that?
    6. How can I get Jasmine to fail specs that don't have any assertions?
    7. How can I use Jasmine on my TypeScript project?
  2. Other software that works with Jasmine
    1. Can I use Jasmine 5.x with Karma?
    2. Why aren't newer Jasmine features available in Karma?
    3. I ran into a problem involving zone.js. Can you help?
    4. How can I use Jasmine matchers with testing-library's waitFor function?
    5. Why doesn't expect() work right in
  3. Writing Specs
    1. How can I run code before a containing describe's beforeEach? Does Jasmine have an equivalent of rspec's let?
    2. Why is Jasmine showing an exception with no stack trace?
    3. Does Jasmine support parameterized testing?
    4. How can I add more information to matcher failure messages?
  4. Async Testing
    1. Which async style should I use, and why?
    2. Why are some asynchronous spec failures reported as suite errors or as failures of a different spec?
    3. How can I stop Jasmine from running my specs in parallel?
    4. Why can't I write a spec that both takes a callback and returns a promise (or is an async function)? What should I do instead?
    5. But I really have to test code that signals success and failure through different channels. I can't (or don't want to) change it. What can I do?
    6. Why can't my asynchronous function call `done` more than once? What should I do instead?
    7. Why can't I pass an async function to `describe`? How can I generate specs from asynchronously loaded data?
    8. How do I test async behavior that I don't have a promise or callback for, like a UI component that renders something after fetching data asynchronously?
    9. I need to assert something about the arguments passed to an async callback that happens before the code under test is finished. What's the best way to do that?
    10. Why doesn't Jasmine always display a stack trace when a spec fails due to a rejected promise?
    11. I'm getting an unhandled promise rejection error but I think it's a false positive.
  5. Spies
    1. How can I mock AJAX/fetch/XMLHTTPRequest calls?
    2. Why can't I spy on localStorage methods in some browsers? What can I do instead?
    3. How can I spy on a property of a module? I'm getting an error like "aProperty does not have access type get", "is not declared writable or has no setter", or "is not declared configurable".
    4. How can I configure a spy to return a rejected promise without triggering an unhandled promise rejection error?
  6. Security
    1. I got an npm audit warning about a dependency of one of the Jasmine packages. That's a bug in Jasmine, right?
  7. Contributing to Jasmine
    1. I want to help out with Jasmine. Where should I start?
    2. What does Jasmine use to test itself?
    3. Why does Jasmine have a funny hand-rolled module system? Why not use Babel and Webpack?
    4. When should I write JSDoc comments? When shouldn't I?
    5. How do I work on a feature that depends on something that's missing from some supported environments?


How is Jasmine versioned?

Jasmine follows semver as defined by the Semantic Versioning Specification. This means we reserve major versions (1.0, 2.0, etc.) for breaking changes or other significant work. Most Jasmine releases end up being minor releases (2.3, 2.4, etc.). Major releases are infrequent.

Many people use Jasmine via either the jasmine package which runs specs in Node or the jasmine-browser-runner package. For historical reasons, those packages have different versioning strategies:

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What is Jasmine's approach to browser and Node version support?

A list of supported browser and Node versions is included in the release notes of each version of Jasmine.

Jasmine supports a rolling window of versions of Node and each supported browser. As a general rule, versions that still receive security updates, are available to test against in CI, and are available to us for local testing are fully supported. Older versions are supported on a best effort basis for as long as it’s practical to do so.

This approach allows Jasmine to keep supporting older versions of Node and non-evergreen browsers for longer. However, it does mean that support for outdated platforms may be dropped in minor versions of Jasmine.

Currently, the support status of platform versions is determined as follows. This is subject to change. If you need to know what’s currently supported, check the release notes for the Jasmine packages that you’re using.

Platform Fully supported Supported on a best effort basis Unsupported
Node Current, active, and maintenance LTS releases Past-EOL LTS releases that are still known to work and available in CI Everything else, including odd-numbered major releases
Evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox mainline, Edge) Latest version Everything else*
Firefox ESR Latest major version Past-EOL versions that are still known to work and available in CI Everything else
Safari Versions that are known to work and available in CI Everything else
All other platforms All versions

* In practice, Jasmine is very likely to work with older versions of evergreen browsers. However, only the latest versions are tested.

“Supported on a best effort basis” means that:

“Unsupported” means that:

Selenium-webdriver, which is a dependency of jasmine-browser-runner, has a more restrictive rolling support window policy. So far that hasn’t caused any problems, but jasmine-browser-runner users with a low tolerance for broken builds should be aware of it.

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How can I use scripts from external URLs in jasmine-browser-runner?

You can add the script’s URL to srcFiles in your jasmine-browser.json or jasmine-browser.js file:

  // ...
  srcFiles: [
  // ...
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Can Jasmine test code that's in ES modules?

Yes. The exact process depends on how you’re using Jasmine:

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Why does Jasmine allow multiple expectation failures in a spec? How can I disable that?

Sometimes it takes more than one expectation to assert a particular result. In those situations it can be helpful to see all of the expectations fail before trying to make any of them pass. This is particularly useful when a single code change will make multiple expectations pass.

If you want each spec to stop at the first expectation failure, you can set the oneFailurePerSpec option to true:

Note that any afterEach or afterAll functions associated with the spec will still run.

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How can I get Jasmine to fail specs that don't have any assertions?

By default, Jasmine doesn’t require specs to contain any expectations. You can enable that behavior by setting the failSpecWithNoExpectations option to true:

We don’t recommend relying on the failSpecWithNoExpectations option. All it ensures is that each spec has at least one expectation, not that the spec will actually fail for the right reason if the behavior it’s trying to verify doesn’t work. The only way to be sure that a spec is actually correct is to try it both ways and see that it passes when the code under test is working and fails in the intended way when the code under test is broken. Very few people can consistently write good specs without doing that, just like very few people can consistently deliver working non-test code without trying it out.

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How can I use Jasmine on my TypeScript project?

There are two common ways to use Jasmine and TypeScript together.

The first is to compile TypeScript files to JavaScript on the fly as they’re imported:

The second approach is to compile your TypeScript spec files to JavaScript files on disk and configure Jasmine to run the compiled TypeScript files:

The compile-on-the-fly approach is usually easy to set up and provides the fastest possible edit-compile-run-specs cycle. However, it doesn’t do any type checking by default. You can add type checking by creating a separate TypeScript config file for your specs with noEmit set to true, and running tsc on it either before or after running your specs. Compiling to files on disk gives a slower edit-compile-run-specs cycle, but it’s a more familiar workflow for people who are used to compiled languages. It’s also the only option if you want to write specs in TypeScript and run them in a browser.

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Other software that works with Jasmine

Can I use Jasmine 5.x with Karma?

Probably. karma-jasmine 5.1 (the latest version as of this writing, and likely the final version) appears to be compatible with jasmine-core 5.x. You should be able to use an NPM override in package.json to override karma-jasmine’s dependency specification:

    // ...
    "overrides": {
        "karma-jasmine": {
            "jasmine-core": "^5.0.0"
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Why aren't newer Jasmine features available in Karma?

You might be using an older jasmine-core version than you think you are. karma-jasmine declares a dependency on jasmine-core 4.x. As a result, Karma will use jasmine-core 4.x even if you’ve also installed a newer version. You may be able to fix that by adding an NPM override as described in the previous question.

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I ran into a problem involving zone.js. Can you help?

Please report any zone.js related issues to the Angular project.

Zone.js monkey patches Jasmine extensively, replacing a number of key internals with its own implementations. Most of the time this works fine. But any problems that it causes are by definition bugs in zone.js rather than in Jasmine.

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How can I use Jasmine matchers with testing-library's waitFor function?

Use throwUnless instead of expect:

await waitFor(function() {
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Why doesn't expect() work right in

@wdio/jasmine-framework replaces Jasmine’s expect with a different one that is incompatible with Jasmine’s. See the Webdriver.IO docs for information about its expect API.

In addition to replacing expect, Webdriver.IO monkey patches some Jasmine internals. Bugs that only occur when Webdriver.IO is present should be reported to Webdriver.IO, not to Jasmine.

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Writing Specs

How can I run code before a containing describe's beforeEach? Does Jasmine have an equivalent of rspec's let?

The short answer is that you can’t, and you should refactor your test setup so that inner describes don’t need to undo or override setup that was done by an outer describe.

This question usually comes up when people try to write suites that look like this:

describe('When the user is logged in', function() {
  let user = MyFixtures.anyUser

  beforeEach(function() {
    // Do something, potentially complicated, that causes the system to run
    // with `user` logged in.

  it('does some things that apply to any user', function() {
    // ...

  describe('as an admin', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
      user = MyFixtures.adminUser;

    it('shows the admin controls', function() {
      // ...

  describe('as a non-admin', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
      user = MyFixtures.nonAdminUser;

    it('does not show the admin controls', function() {
      // ...

That doesn’t work, in part because the inner beforeEach functions run after the user is already logged in. Some test frameworks provide a way to re-order the test setup so that parts of the setup in an inner describe can run before parts of the setup in an outer describe. RSpec’s let blocks are an example of this. Jasmine doesn’t provide such functionality. We’ve learned through experience that having the setup flow control bounce back and forth between inner and outer describes leads to suites that are hard to understand and hard to modify. Instead, try refactoring the setup code so that each part happens after all of the setup that it depends on. Usually this means taking the contents of an outer beforeEach and inlining it into the inner specs or beforeEaches. If this leads to excessive code duplication, that can be handled with regular functions, just like in non-test code:

describe('When the user is logged in', function() {
  it('does some things that apply to any user', function() {
    // ...

  describe('as an admin', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {

    it('shows the admin controls', function() {
      // ...

  describe('as a non-admin', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {

    it('does not show the admin controls', function() {
      // ...

  function logIn(user) {
    // Do something, potentially complicated, that causes the system to run
    // with `user` logged in.
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Why is Jasmine showing an exception with no stack trace?

JavaScript allows you to throw any value or reject a promise with any value. However, only Error objects have stack traces. So if a non-Error is thrown or a promise is rejected with something other than an Error, Jasmine can’t show the stack trace because there is no stack trace to show.

This behavior is controlled by the JavaScript runtime and isn’t something that Jasmine can change.

describe('Failures that will not have stack traces', function() {
  it('throws a non-Error', function() {
    throw 'nope';

  it('rejects with a non-Error', function() {
    return Promise.reject('nope');

describe('Failures that will have stack traces', function() {
  it('throws an Error', function() {
    throw new Error('nope');

  it('rejects with an Error', function() {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('nope'));
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Does Jasmine support parameterized testing?

Not directly. But test suites are just JavaScript, so you can do it anyway.

function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

describe('add', function() {
    const cases = [
        {first: 3, second: 3, sum: 6},
        {first: 10, second: 4, sum: 14},
        {first: 7, second: 1, sum: 8}

    for (const {first, second, sum} of cases) {
        it(`returns ${sum} for ${first} and ${second}`, function () {
            expect(add(first, second)).toEqual(sum);
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How can I add more information to matcher failure messages?

When a spec has multiple, similar expectations, it can be hard to tell which failure corresponds to which expectation:

it('has multiple expectations', function() {
1) has multiple expectations
    Expected 0 to equal 1.
    Error: Expected 0 to equal 1.
        at <Jasmine>
        at UserContext.<anonymous> (withContextSpec.js:2:19)
        at <Jasmine>
    Expected 0 to equal 2.
    Error: Expected 0 to equal 2.
        at <Jasmine>
        at UserContext.<anonymous> (withContextSpec.js:3:21)
        at <Jasmine>

There are three ways to make the output of a spec like that more clear:

Here’s the same spec as above, but modified to use withContext:

it('has multiple expectations with some context', function() {
1) has multiple expectations with some context
    munge: Expected 0 to equal 1.
    Error: munge: Expected 0 to equal 1.
        at <Jasmine>
        at UserContext.<anonymous> (withContextSpec.js:8:40)
        at <Jasmine>
    spindle: Expected 0 to equal 2.
    Error: spindle: Expected 0 to equal 2.
        at <Jasmine>
        at UserContext.<anonymous> (withContextSpec.js:9:44)
        at <Jasmine>

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Async Testing

Which async style should I use, and why?

The async/await style should be your first choice. Most developers have a much easier time writing error-free specs in that style. Promise-returning specs are a bit harder to write, but they can be useful in more complex scenarios. Callback style specs are very error-prone and should be avoided if possible.

There are two major drawbacks to callback style specs. The first is that the flow of execution is harder to visualize. That makes it easy to write a spec that calls its done callback before it’s actually finished. The second is that it’s difficult to handle errors correctly. Consider this spec:

it('sometimes fails to finish', function(done) {
  doSomethingAsync(function(result) {

If result.things is undefined, the access to result.things.length will throw an error, preventing done from being called. The spec will eventually time out but only after a significant delay. The error will be reported. But because of the way browsers and Node expose information about unhandled exceptions, it won’t include a stack trace or any other information that indicates the source of the error.

Fixing that requires wrapping each callback in a try-catch:

it('finishes and reports errors reliably', function(done) {
  doSomethingAsync(function(result) {
    try {
    } catch (err) {;


That’s tedious, error-prone, and likely to be forgotten. It’s often better to convert the callback to a promise:

it('finishes and reports errors reliably', async function() {
  const result = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // If an exception is thrown from here, it will be caught by the Promise
    // constructor and turned into a rejection, which will fail the spec.


Callback-style specs are still useful in some situations. Some callback-based interfaces are difficult to promisify or don’t benefit much from being promisified. But in most cases it’s easier to write a reliable spec using async/await or at least promises.

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Why are some asynchronous spec failures reported as suite errors or as failures of a different spec?

When an exception is thrown from async code or an unhandled promise rejection occurs, the spec that caused it is no longer on the call stack. So Jasmine has no reliable way to determine where the error came from. The best Jasmine can do is associate the error with the spec or suite that was running when it happened. This is usually the right answer, since correctly-written specs don’t trigger errors (or do anything else) after they signal completion.

It becomes a problem when a spec signals completion before it’s actually done. Consider these two examples, which both test a doSomethingAsync function that calls a callback when it’s finished:

// WARNING: does not work correctly
it('tries to be both sync and async', function() {
  // 1. doSomethingAsync() is called 
  doSomethingAsync(function() {
    // 3. The callback is called
  // 2. Spec returns, which tells Jasmine that it's done

// WARNING: does not work correctly
it('is async but signals completion too early', function(done) {
  // 1. doSomethingAsync() is called 
  doSomethingAsync(function() {
    // 3. The callback is called
  // 2. Spec calls done(), which tells Jasmine that it's done

In both cases the spec signals that it’s done but continues executing, later causing an error. By the time the error occurs, Jasmine has already reported that the spec passed and started executing the next spec. Jasmine might even have exited before the error occurs. If that happens, it won’t be reported at all.

The fix is to make sure that the spec doesn’t signal completion until it’s really done. This can be done with callbacks:

it('signals completion at the right time', function(done) {
  // 1. doSomethingAsync() is called 
  doSomethingAsync(function() {
    // 2. The callback is called
    // 3. If we get this far without an error being thrown, the spec calls
    // done(), which tells Jasmine that it's done

But it’s easier to write reliable async specs using async/await or promises, so we recommend that in most cases:

it('signals completion at the right time', async function() {
  await doSomethingAsync();
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How can I stop Jasmine from running my specs in parallel?

Jasmine only runs specs in parallel if you use at least version 5.0 of the jasmine NPM package and pass the --parallel command line argument. In all other configurations it runs one spec (or before/after) function at a time. Even the parallel configuration runs specs and before/after functions within each suite sequentially.

However, Jasmine depends on those user-provided functions to indicate when they’re done. If a function signals completion before it’s actually done, then the execution of the next spec will interleave with it. To fix this, make sure each asynchronous function calls its callback or resolves or rejects the returned promise only when it’s completely finished. See the async tutorial for more information.

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Why can't I write a spec that both takes a callback and returns a promise (or is an async function)? What should I do instead?

Jasmine needs to know when each asynchronous spec is done so that it can move on to the next one at the right time. If a spec takes a done callback, that means “I’m done when I call the callback”. If a spec returns a promise, either explicitly or by using the async keyword, it means “I’m done when the returned promise is resolved or rejected”. Those two things can’t both be true, and Jasmine has no way of resolving the ambiguity. Future readers are also likely to have trouble understanding the intent of the spec.

Usually people who ask this question are dealing with one of two situations. Either they’re using async just to be able to await and not to signal completion to Jasmine, or they’re trying to test code that mixes multiple async styles.

The first scenario: when a spec is async just so it can await

// WARNING: does not work correctly
it('does something', async function(done) {
  const something = await doSomethingAsync();
  doSomethingElseAsync(something, function(result) {

In this case the intent is for the spec to be done when the callback is called, and the promise that’s implicitly returned from the spec is meaningless. The best fix is to change the callback-based function so that it returns a promise and then await the promise:

it('does something', async function(/* Note: no done param */) {
  const something = await doSomethingAsync();
  const result = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    doSomethingElseAsync(something, function(r) {

If you want to stick with callbacks, you can wrap the async function in an IIFE:

it('does something', function(done) {
  (async function () {
    const something = await doSomethingAsync();
    doSomethingElseAsync(something, function(result) {

or replace await with then:

it('does something', function(done) {
  doSomethingAsync().then(function(something) {
    doSomethingElseAsync(something, function(result) {

The second scenario: Code that signals completion in multiple ways

// in DataLoader.js
class DataLoader {
  constructor(fetch) {
    // ...

  subscribe(subscriber) {
    // ...

  async load() {
    // ...

// in DataLoaderSpec.js
// WARNING: does not work correctly
it('provides the fetched data to observers', async function(done) {
  const fetch = function() {
    return Promise.resolve(/*...*/);
  const subscriber = function(result) {
  const subject = new DataLoader(fetch);

  await subject.load(/*...*/);

Just like in the first scenario, the problem with this spec is that it signals completion in two different ways: by settling (resolving or rejecting) the implicitly returned promise, and by calling the done callback. This mirrors a potential design problem with the DataLoader class. Usually people write specs like this because the code under test can’t be relied upon to signal completion in a consistent way. The order in which subscribers are called and the returned promise is settled might be unpredictable. Or worse, DataLoader might only use the returned promise to signal failure, leaving it pending in the success case. It’s difficult to write a reliable spec for code that has that problem.

The fix is to change the code under test to always signal completion in a consistent way. In this case that means making sure that the last thing DataLoader does, in both success and failure cases, is resolve or reject the returned promise. Then it can be reliably tested like this:

it('provides the fetched data to observers', async function(/* Note: no done param */) {
  const fetch = function() {
    return Promise.resolve(/*...*/);
  const subscriber = jasmine.createSpy('subscriber');
  const subject = new DataLoader(fetch);

  // Await the returned promise. This will fail the spec if the promise
  // is rejected or isn't resolved before the spec timeout.
  await subject.load(/*...*/);
  // The subscriber should have been called by now. If not,
  // that's a bug in DataLoader, and we want the following to fail.

See also how to assert the arguments passed to an async callback that happens before the code under test is finished.

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But I really have to test code that signals success and failure through different channels. I can't (or don't want to) change it. What can I do?

You can convert both sides to promises, if they aren’t already promises. Then use Promise.race to wait for whichever one is resolved or rejected first:

// in DataLoader.js
class DataLoader {
  constructor(fetch) {
    // ...

  subscribe(subscriber) {
    // ...

  onError(errorSubscriber) {
    // ...

  load() {
    // ...

// in DataLoaderSpec.js
it('provides the fetched data to observers', async function() {
  const fetch = function() {
    return Promise.resolve(/*...*/);
  let resolveSubscriberPromise, rejectErrorPromise;
  const subscriberPromise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
    resolveSubscriberPromise = resolve;
  const errorPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    rejectErrorPromise = reject;
  const subject = new DataLoader(fetch);

  const result = await Promise.race([subscriberPromise, errorPromise]);


Note that this assumes that the code under test either signals success or signals failure, but never does both. It’s generally not possible to write a reliable spec for async code that might signal both success and failure when it fails.

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Why can't my asynchronous function call `done` more than once? What should I do instead?

In Jasmine 2.x and 3.x, a callback-based async function could call its done callback any number of times, and only the first call did anything. This was done to prevent Jasmine from corrupting its internal state when done was called more than once.

We’ve learned since then that it’s important for asynchronous functions to only signal completion when they’re actually done. When a spec keeps running after it tells Jasmine that it’s done, it interleaves with the execution of other specs. This can cause problems like intermittent test failures, failures not being reported, or failures being reported on the wrong spec. Problems like these have been a common source of user confusion and bug reports over the years. Jasmine 4 tries to make them easier to diagnose by reporting an error any time an asynchronous function calls done more than once.

If you have a spec that calls done multiple times, the best thing to do is to rewrite it to only call done once. See this related FAQ for some common scenarios where specs signal completion multiple times and suggested fixes.

If you really can’t eliminate the extra done calls, you can implement the Jasmine 2-3 behavior by wrapping done in a function that ignores all but the first call, as follows. But be aware that specs that do this are still buggy and still likely to cause the problems outlined above.

function allowUnsafeMultipleDone(fn) {
  return function(done) {
    let doneCalled = false;
    fn(function(err) {
      if (!doneCalled) {
        doneCalled = true;

it('calls done twice', allowUnsafeMultipleDone(function(done) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    // This code may interleave with subsequent specs or even run after Jasmine
    // has finished executing.
  }, 50);
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Why can't I pass an async function to `describe`? How can I generate specs from asynchronously loaded data?

Synchronous functions can’t call asynchronous functions, and describe has to be synchronous because it’s used in synchronous contexts like scripts loaded via script tags. Making it async would break all existing code that uses Jasmine and render Jasmine unusable in the environments where it’s most popular.

However, if you use ES modules, you can fetch data asynchronously before calling the top-level describe. Instead of this:

// WARNING: does not work
describe('Something', async function() {
   const scenarios = await fetchSceanrios();
   for (const scenario of scenarios) {
       it(, function() {
           // ...

Do this:

const scenarios = await fetchSceanrios();

describe('Something', function() {
   for (const scenario of scenarios) {
       it(, function() {
           // ...

To use top-level await, your spec files must be ES modules. If you are running specs in a browser, you’ll need to use jasmine-browser-runner 2.0.0 or later and add "enableTopLevelAwait": true to the configuration file.

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How do I test async behavior that I don't have a promise or callback for, like a UI component that renders something after fetching data asynchronously?

There are two basic ways to approach this. The first is to cause the async behavior to complete immediately (or as close to immediately as possible) and then await in the spec. Here’s an example of that approach using the enzyme and jasmine-enzyme libraries to test a React component:

describe('When data is fetched', () => {
  it('renders the data list with the result', async () => {
    const payload = [/*...*/];
    const apiClient = {
      getData: () => Promise.resolve(payload);

    // Render the component under test
    const subject = mount(<DataLoader apiClient={apiClient} />);
    // Wait until after anything that's already queued
    await Promise.resolve();

    const dataList = subject.find(DataList);
    expect(dataList).toHaveProp('data', payload);

Note that the promise that the spec awaits is unrelated to the one passed to the code under test. People often use the same promise in both places, but that doesn’t matter as long as the promise passed to the code under test is already resolved. The important thing is that the await call in the spec happens after the one in the code under test.

This approach is simple, efficient, and fails quickly when things go wrong. But it can be tricky to get the scheduling right when the code under test does more than one await or .then(). Changes to the async operations in the code under test can easily break the spec, requiring the addition of extra awaits.

The other approach is to poll until the desired behavior has happened:

describe('When data is fetched', () => {
  it('renders the data list with the result', async () => {
    const payload = [/*...*/];
    const apiClient = {
      getData: () => Promise.resolve(payload);

    // Render the component under test
    const subject = mount(<DataLoader apiClient={apiClient} />);

    // Wait until the DataList is rendered
    const dataList = await new Promise(resolve => {
      function poll() {
        const target = subject.find(DataList);

        if (target.exists()) {
        } else {
          setTimeout(poll, 50);
    expect(dataList).toHaveProp('data', payload);

This is a bit more complex at first and can be slightly less efficient. It will also time out (after 5 seconds by default) rather than failing immediately if the expected component is not rendered. But it’s more resilient in the face of change. It will still pass if more awaits or .then() calls are added to the code under test.

You might find DOM Testing Library or React Testing Library helpful when writing specs in the second style. The findBy* and findAllBy* queries in both those libraries implement the polling behavior shown above.

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I need to assert something about the arguments passed to an async callback that happens before the code under test is finished. What's the best way to do that?

Consider a DataFetcher class that fetches data, calls any registered callbacks, does some cleanup, and then finally resolves a returned promise. The best way to write a spec that verifies the arguments to the callback is to save the arguments off in the callback and then assert that they have the right values just before signalling completion:

it("calls the onData callback with the expected args", async function() {
  const subject = new DataFetcher();
  let receivedData;
  subject.onData(function(data) {
    receivedData = data;

  await subject.fetch();


You can also get better failure messages by using a spy:

it("calls the onData callback with the expected args", async function() {
  const subject = new DataFetcher();
  const callback = jasmine.createSpy('onData callback');

  await subject.fetch();


It’s tempting to write something like this:

// WARNING: Does not work
it("calls the onData callback with the expected args", async function() {
  const subject = new DataFetcher();
  subject.onData(function(data) {

  await subject.fetch();

But that will incorrectly pass if the onData callback is never called, because the expectation never runs. Here’s another common but incorrect approach:

// WARNING: Does not work
it("calls the onData callback with the expected args", function(done) {
  const subject = new DataFetcher();
  subject.onData(function(data) {


In that version, the spec signals completion before the code under test actually finishes running. That can cause the spec’s execution to interleave with other specs, which can lead to misrouted errors and other problems.

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Why doesn't Jasmine always display a stack trace when a spec fails due to a rejected promise?

This is similar to Why is Jasmine showing an exception with no stack trace?. If the promise was rejected with an Error object as the reason, e.g. Promise.reject(new Error("out of cheese")), then Jasmine will display the stack trace associated with the error. If the promise was rejected with no reason or with a non-Error reason, then there is no stack trace for Jasmine to display.

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I'm getting an unhandled promise rejection error but I think it's a false positive.

It’s important to understand that the JavaScript runtime decides which promise rejections are considered unhandled, not Jasmine. Jasmine just responds to the unhandled rejection event emitted by the JavaScript runtime.

Simply creating a rejected promise is often enough to trigger an unhandled promise rejection event if you allow control to return to the JavaScript runtime without first attaching a rejection handler. That’s true even if you don’t do anything with the promise. Jasmine turns unhandled rejections into failures because they almost always mean that something unexpectedly went wrong, and becuase there’s no way to distinguish “real” unhandled rejections from the ones that would eventually be handled in the future.

Consider this spec:

it('causes an unhandled rejection', async function() {
  const rejected = Promise.reject(new Error('nope'));
  await somethingAsync();
  try {
    await rejected;
  } catch (e) {
    // Do something with the error

The rejection will eventually be handled via the try/catch. But the JS runtime detects the unhandled rejection before that part of the spec runs. This happens because the await somethingAsync() call returns control to the JS runtime. Different JS runtimes detect unhandled rejections differently, but the common behavior is that a rejection is not considered unhandled if a catch handler is attached to it before control is returned to the runtime. In most cases this can be achieved by re-ordering the code a bit:

it('causes an unhandled rejection', async function() {
  const rejected = Promise.reject(new Error('nope'));
  let rejection;
  try {
    await rejected;
  } catch (e) {
    rejection = e;
  await somethingAsync();
  // Do something with `rejection`

As a last resort, you can suppress the unhandled rejection by attaching a no-op catch handler:

it('causes an unhandled rejection', async function() {
  const rejected = Promise.reject(new Error('nope'));
  rejected.catch(function() { /* do nothing */ });
  await somethingAsync();
  let rejection;
  try {
    await rejected;
  } catch (e) {
   rejection = e;
  // Do something with `rejection`

See also How can I configure a spy to return a rejected promise without triggering an unhandled promise rejection error? for how to avoid unhandled rejections when configuring spies.

As mentioned above, Jasmine doesn’t determine which rejections count as unhandled. Please don’t open issues asking us to change that.

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How can I mock AJAX/fetch/XMLHTTPRequest calls?

Modern HTTP client APIs such as axios or fetch are easy to mock by hand using Jasmine spies. Simply inject the HTTP client into the code under test:

async function loadThing(thingId, thingStore, fetch) {
  const url = `{id}`;
  const response = await fetch(url);
  thingStore[thingId] = response.json();

// somewhere else
await loadThing(thingId, thingStore, fetch);

Then, in the spec, inject a spy:

describe('loadThing', function() {
  it('fetches the correct URL', function() {
    const fetch = jasmine.createSpy('fetch')
      .and.returnValue(new Promise(function() {}));

    loadThing(17, {}, fetch);


  it('stores the thing', function() {
    const payload = {
      id: 17,
      name: 'the thing you requested'
    const response = {
      json: function() {
        return payload;
    const thingStore = {};
    const fetch = jasmine.createSpy('fetch')

    loadThing(17, thingStore, fetch);


If you’re using the older XMLHttpRequest, jasmine-ajax is a good choice. It takes care of the sometimes intricate details of mocking XMLHttpRequest and provides a nice API for verifying requests and stubbing responses.

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Why can't I spy on localStorage methods in some browsers? What can I do instead?

This will pass in some browsers but fail in Firefox and Safari 17:

it('sets foo to bar on localStorage', function() {
    spyOn(localStorage, 'setItem');
    localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');
    expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo', 'bar');

As a security measure, Firefox and Safari 17 don’t allow properties of localStorage to be overwritten. Assigning to them, which is what spyOn does under the hood, is a no-op. This is a limitation imposed by the browser and there is no way for Jasmine to get around it.

One alternative is to check the state of localStorage rather than verifying what calls were made to it:

it('sets foo to bar on localStorage', function() {
   localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');

Another option is to create a wrapper around localStorage and mock the wrapper.

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How can I spy on a property of a module? I'm getting an error like "aProperty does not have access type get", "is not declared writable or has no setter", or "is not declared configurable".

Note: This FAQ deals with a rapidly changing area and may become out of date. It was last updated in September 2023.

This error means that something (probably a transpiler, but possibly the JavaScript runtime) has marked the exported properties of the module as read-only. The ES module spec requires that exported module properties be read-only, and some transpilers conform to that requirement even when emitting CommonJS modules. If a property is marked read-only, Jasmine can’t replace it with a spy.

Regardless of the environment you’re in, you can avoid the problem by using dependency injection for things you’ll want to mock and injecting a spy or a mock object from the spec. This approach usually results in maintainability improvements in the specs and the code under test. Needing to mock modules is often a sign of tightly coupled code, and it can be wise to fix the coupling rather than work around it with testing tools.

Depending on the environment you’re in, it may be possible to enable module mocking. See the module mocking guide for more information.

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How can I configure a spy to return a rejected promise without triggering an unhandled promise rejection error?

It’s important to understand that the JavaScript runtime decides which promise rejections are considered unhandled, not Jasmine. Jasmine just responds to the unhandled rejection event emitted by the JavaScript runtime.

Simply creating a rejected promise is enough to trigger an unhandled rejection event in Node and most browsers if you allow control to return to the JavaScript runtime without attaching a rejection handler. That’s true even if you don’t do anything with the promise. Jasmine turns unhandled rejections into failures because they almost always mean that something unexpectedly went wrong. (See also: I’m getting an unhandled promise rejection error but I think it’s a false positive.)

Consider this spec:

it('might cause an unhandled promise rejection', async function() {
  const foo = jasmine.createSpy('foo')
    .and.returnValue(Promise.reject(new Error('nope')));
  await expectAsync(doSomething(foo)).toBeRejected();

The spec creates a rejected promise. If everything works correctly, it’ll be handled, ultimately by the async matcher. But if doSomething fails to call foo or fails to pass the rejection along, the browser or Node will trigger an unhandled promise rejection event. Jasmine will treat that as a failure of the suite or spec that’s running at the time of the event.

One fix is to create the rejected promise only when the spy is actually called:

it('does not cause an unhandled promise rejection', async function() {
  const foo = jasmine.createSpy('foo')
    .and.callFake(() => Promise.reject(new Error('nope')));
  await expectAsync(doSomething(foo)).toBeRejected();

You can make this a bit clearer by using the rejectWith spy strategy:

it('does not cause an unhandled promise rejection', async function() {
  const foo = jasmine.createSpy('foo')
    .and.rejectWith(new Error('nope'));
  await expectAsync(doSomething(foo)).toBeRejected();

As mentioned above, Jasmine doesn’t determine which rejections count as unhandled. Please don’t open issues asking us to change that.

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I got an npm audit warning about a dependency of one of the Jasmine packages. That's a bug in Jasmine, right?

Probably not. Most npm audit warnings for developer tools are false positives. They usually fall into at least one, and often both, of these categories:

Many npm audit warnings can be resolved by running npm audit fix, by running npm update <name of package>, or by deleting package-lock.json and running npm install. Please try those approaches before opening an issue.

Issues that involve npm audit warnings are handled on a case-by-case basis. Factors include whether the warning could indicate a security problem in the context in which Jasmine uses the dependency, the impact of requiring a newer version, and whether Jasmine requires the version with the warning or merely allows it to be installed.

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I want to help out with Jasmine. Where should I start?

Thanks for your help! The Jasmine team only has limited time to work on Jasmine so we appreciate all the help we get from the community.

Github Issues

When github issues are reported that seem like things Jasmine could support, we will label the issue with “help needed”. This label means that we believe there is enough information included in the conversation for someone to implement on their own. (We’re not always correct. If you have further questions, please ask).

New Ideas

Do you have an idea that’s not already captured in a GitHub issue? Feel free to propose it. We recommend (but don’t require) that you open an issue to discuss your idea before submitting a pull request. We don’t say yes to every proposal, so it’s best to ask before you put in a lot of work.

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What does Jasmine use to test itself?

Jasmine uses Jasmine to test Jasmine.

Jasmine’s test suite loads two copies of Jasmine. The first is loaded from the built files in lib/. The second, called jasmineUnderTest, is loaded directly from the source files in src/. The first Jasmine is used to run the specs, and the specs call functions on jasmineUnderTest.

This has several advantages:

If you’re curious about how this is set up, see requireCore.js and defineJasmineUnderTest.js.

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Why does Jasmine have a funny hand-rolled module system? Why not use Babel and Webpack?

The short answer is that Jasmine predates both Babel and Webpack, and converting to those tools would be a lot of work for a fairly small payoff that largely went away when Jasmine dropped support for pre-ES2017 environments like Internet Explorer. Although a lot of Jasmine is still written in ES5, newer language features can now be used.

For most of its life, Jasmine needed to run on browsers that didn’t support newer JavaScript features. That meant that the compiled code couldn’t use newer syntax and library features such as arrow functions, async/await, Promise, Symbol, Map, and Set. As a result, it was written in ES5 syntax without any use of non-portable library features except in certain narrow contexts like async matchers.

So why not adopt Babel and Webpack? Partly because Jasmine fits in an odd space that breaks some of the assumptions made by those tools: It’s both an application and a library, and even when it’s acting as an application it can’t safely modify the JavaScript runtime environment. If Jasmine added polyfills for missing library features, that could cause specs for code that depends on those features to incorrectly pass on browsers that don’t have them. We’ve yet to figure out how to configure Babel and Webpack (or any other bundler) in a way that guarantees that no polyfills will be introduced. And even if we did that, the payoff would have been relatively small. Writing ES5 syntax instead of ES6 was the easy part of supporting a wide range of browsers. The hard parts, mainly dealing with missing library features and other incompatibilities, would still have needed to be solved by hand.

Jasmine’s existing build tools have the virtues of simplicity, speed, and needing extremely low maintenance. We’re not opposed to switching to something newer if the change is a significant improvement. But so far, being conservative in this area has allowed us to skip quite a bit of front end build tooling churn and use that time to work on things that benefit users.

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When should I write JSDoc comments? When shouldn't I?

JSDoc comments (the ones that start with /**) should be used for everything that’s part of the public interface. They should not be used for anything else.

The API reference documentation on this website is automatically generated from JSDoc comments. So adding a JSDoc comment to something has the effect of making it part of the documented public API. Do not add JSDoc comments to internal interfaces. If you want, you can write a comment that looks like JSDoc but doesn’t start with /**. But it’s usually better to use plain English since those comments don’t need to be machine-readable.

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How do I work on a feature that depends on something that's missing from some supported environments?

We try to make all features of Jasmine available on all supported browsers and Node versions, but sometimes that doesn’t make sense. For instance, support for promise-returning specs was added in 2.7.0 even though Jasmine continued to run in environments that lacked promises until 4.0.0. To write a spec for something that won’t work in all environments, check whether the required language/runtime features are present and mark the spec pending if they’re not. See spec/helpers/checkForUrl.js and the uses of the requireUrls function that it defines for an example of how to do this.

See the is* methods in src/core/base.js for examples of how to safely check whether an object is an instance of a type that might not exist.

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Please open an issue or pull request.