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This page is for an older version of jasmine-browser-runner (0.8.0).
The current stable version of jasmine-browser-runner is: 3.0. You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Interface: RunSpecsOptions




browser :string|BrowserInfo|undefined

The browser to run the specs in.


clearReporters :boolean|undefined

Whether to remove Jasmine's default reporters before executing the suite.

  • boolean | undefined
Inherited From:

color :boolean|undefined

Whether to use color in the console output. Defaults to true.

  • boolean | undefined

color :boolean|undefined

The name of a module to get a reporter from. The module will be loaded using require and its default export must be a constructor that creates a reporter.

  • boolean | undefined

cssFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of CSS file paths or globs that match CSS files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#srcDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined
Inherited From:

helpers :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of helper file paths or globs that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#specDir. Helpers are loaded before specs.

  • Array.<string> | undefined
Inherited From:

jasmineCore :any|undefined

The instance of jasmine-core to use. Use this if you need to load jasmine-core in a nonstandard way. Most of the time it should be omitted.

  • any | undefined
Inherited From:

port :number|undefined

The port to listen on.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

projectBaseDir :string|undefined

The root directory of the project.

  • string | undefined
Inherited From:

reporters :Array.<(string|Reporter)>

An array of reporters or names of modules defining reporters. If an entry is a string, it should be the import specifier for a module that default exports a reporter constructor. The constructor will be called with no arguments.

  • Array.<(string|Reporter)>

specDir :string

The directory that spec files are contained in, relative to ServerCtorOptions#projectBaseDir.

  • string
Inherited From:

specFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of spec file paths or globs that match spec files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#specDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined
Inherited From:

srcDir :string

The directory that source files are contained in, relative to ServerCtorOptions#projectBaseDir.

  • string
Inherited From:

srcFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of sourec file paths or globs that match source files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#srcDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined
Inherited From: