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This page is for an older version of jasmine-browser-runner (2.4).
The current stable version of jasmine-browser-runner is: 3.0. You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Interface: ServerStartOptions


Options passed to Server#start


hostname :string

The hostname to use. This influences both the URL given to browsers and the addresses on which the socket listens. If blank, for backward compatibility, the browsers will be pointed to localhost, but the listening socket will listen on all IPs.

  • string

port :number|undefined

The port number to listen on.

  • number | undefined

tlsCert :string

The path to a TLS cert. Activates HTTPS mode. If specified, tlsKey must also be specified.

  • string

tlsKey :string

The path to a TLS key. Activates HTTPS mode. If specified, tlsCert must also be specified.

  • string