Specifies the properties of the configuration file, as well as the argument to runSpecs.
alwaysListPendingSpecs :boolean|undefined
Whether the default reporter should list pending specs even if there are failures.
- boolean | undefined
- Default Value:
- true
browser :string|BrowserInfo|undefined
The browser to run the specs in.
- string | BrowserInfo | undefined
color :boolean|undefined
Whether to use color in the console output.
- boolean | undefined
- Default Value:
- true
cssFiles :Array.<string>|undefined
An array of CSS file paths or globs
that match CSS files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
- Array.<string> | undefined
- Inherited From:
enableTopLevelAwait :boolean|undefined
Whether to enable support for top-level await. This option is off by default because it comes with a performance penalty.
- boolean | undefined
- Default Value:
- false
esmFilenameExtension :string|undefined
The file extension used by ES modules
- string | undefined
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- ".mjs"
helpers :Array.<string>|undefined
An array of helper file paths or globs
that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
. Helpers are loaded before specs.
- Array.<string> | undefined
- Inherited From:
hostname :string|undefined
The hostname to use in the URL given to browsers.
- string | undefined
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- "localhost"
importMap :ImportMap|undefined
Import maps entry to generate the <script type="importmap">
section in the
, to enable ES Module testing in the browser.
- ImportMap | undefined
- Default Value:
- undefined
jasmineCore :any|undefined
The instance of jasmine-core to use. Use this if you need to load jasmine-core in a nonstandard way. Most of the time it should be omitted.
- any | undefined
- Inherited From:
listenAddress :string|undefined
The hostname or IP address of the network interface to listen on. For security, jasmine-browser-runner will listen to localhost unless if this property is not specified. Set to "*" to listen on all interfaces, which may be required by some remote Selenium grids.
- string | undefined
- Inherited From:
- Default Value:
- "localhost"
middleware :object|undefined
An optional map from paths to Express application middleware to mount on those paths. This can be used to serve static files, proxy requests to another server, etc.
Note: Requests made by jasmine-browser-runner (e.g. /, /__jasmine__/*, /__spec__/*, etc) are considered private APIs for semver purposes. If you configure middleware that modifies these requests and responses, there is a possibility that future jasmine-browser-runner releases, including minor and patch releases, may be incompatible with that middleware.
- object | undefined
- Default Value:
- undefined
// jasmine-browser.js
const express = require('express');
module.exports = {
// ...
middleware: {
'/assets': express.static('./path/to/assets')
modulesWithSideEffectsInSrcFiles :boolean|undefined
If set to true jasmine loads also ES Modules which are included in SrcFiles. This option is off by default because in most scenarios it is better to load the module under test from the test itself. But if the module has wanted side effects (like for example polyfills) you can interleave ES module and classic scripts in your SrcFiles.
- boolean | undefined
- Default Value:
- false
port :number|undefined
The port to listen on.
- number | undefined
- Inherited From:
projectBaseDir :string|undefined
The root directory of the project.
- string | undefined
- Inherited From:
reporters :Array.<(string|Reporter)>
An array of reporters or names of modules defining reporters. If an entry is a string, it should be the import specifier for a module that default exports a reporter constructor. The constructor will be called with no arguments.
- Array.<(string|Reporter)>
specDir :string
The directory that spec files are contained in, relative to
- string
- Inherited From:
specFiles :Array.<string>|undefined
An array of spec file paths or globs
that match spec files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
- Array.<string> | undefined
- Inherited From:
srcDir :string
The directory that source files are contained in, relative to
- string
- Inherited From:
srcFiles :Array.<string>|undefined
An array of sourec file paths or globs
that match source files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to
- Array.<string> | undefined
- Inherited From:
tlsCert :string
The path to a TLS cert. Activates HTTPS mode. If specified, tlsKey must also be specified.
- string
- Inherited From:
tlsKey :string
The path to a TLS key. Activates HTTPS mode. If specified, tlsCert must also be specified.
- string
- Inherited From:
useConsoleReporter :boolean|undefined
Whether to use the built-in ConsoleReporter
- boolean | undefined
- Default Value:
- true