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This page is for an older version of Jasmine (2.5)
The current stable version of Jasmine is: 5.6 - You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge


Testing ajax calls

We have written a plugin called jasmine-ajax that allows ajax calls to be mocked out in tests. To use it, you need to download the mock-ajax.js file and add it to your jasmine helpers so it gets loaded before any specs that use it.

describe("mocking ajax", function() {

Basic Usage Across An Entire Suite

  describe("suite wide usage", function() {

When you want to mock out all ajax calls across an entire suite, use install() in a beforeEach.

    beforeEach(function() {

Because jasmine-ajax stubs out the global XMLHttpRequest for the page, you'll want to uninstall() in an afterEach so specs or setup that expect to make a real ajax request can.

    afterEach(function() {

  it("specifying response when you need it", function() {
    var doneFn = jasmine.createSpy("success");

Make your requests as normal. Jasmine-Ajax mocks out your request at the XMLHttpRequest object, so should be compatible with other libraries that do ajax requests.

      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(args) {
      if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
    };"GET", "/some/cool/url");

At this point the ajax request won't have returned, so any assertions about intermediate states (like spinners) can be run here.


Now we tell the request what it's response should look like


HTTP response code

        "status": 200,

You can also specify the content type of the response

        "contentType": 'text/plain',

responseText to return, this should be a string.

        "responseText": 'awesome response'

Now that we've told the request to respond, our callback gets called.

      expect(doneFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('awesome response');

You can also specify responses ahead of time and they will respond immediately when the request is made.

    it("allows responses to be setup ahead of time", function () {
    var doneFn = jasmine.createSpy("success");

Call stubRequest with the url you want to return immediately. Then andReturn receives the same type of argument as respondWith.

      "responseText": 'immediate response'

Make your requests as normal

      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(args) {
      if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
    };"GET", "/another/url");

    expect(doneFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('immediate response');

If you only want to use it in a single spec, you can use withMock. withMock takes a function that will be called after ajax has been mocked, and the mock will be uninstalled when the function completes.

  it("allows use in a single spec", function() {
  var doneFn = jasmine.createSpy('success');
  jasmine.Ajax.withMock(function() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(args) {
      if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
    };"GET", "/some/cool/url");


      "status": 200,
      "responseText": 'in spec response'

    expect(doneFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('in spec response');