Using Jasmine with PythonThe Jasmine Python package contains helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Python-based web projects (Django, Flask, etc.) or for JavaScript projects where Python is a welcome partner. It serves up a project's Jasmine suite in a browser so you can focus on your code instead of manually editing script tags in the Jasmine runner HTML file. |
InstallYou can install Jasmine using pip or by adding it to your |
pip install jasmine
__init__ a ProjectInitailize a project for Jasmine by creating a spec directory and configuration yaml for you. |
ConfigurationCustomize |
UsageOnce you have set up your |
Point your browser to |
Start Jasmine on a different port by passing the |
jasmine -p 1337
Continuous IntegrationFor Continuous Integration environments, run |
The browser used by selenium can be changed by exporting |
export JASMINE_BROWSER=chrome
or by setting the |
jasmine-ci --browser firefox
You can also specify a randomization seed for an individual jasmine:ci run for debugging purposes. |
jasmine-ci --seed 4321