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This page is for an older version of Jasmine (3.2)
The current stable version of Jasmine is: 5.4 - You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge



afterAll(functionopt, timeoutopt)

Run some shared teardown once after all of the specs in the describe are run.

Note: Be careful, sharing the teardown from a afterAll makes it easy to accidentally leak state between your specs so that they erroneously pass or fail.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
function implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code to teardown your specs.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async afterAll.


afterEach(functionopt, timeoutopt)

Run some shared teardown after each of the specs in the describe in which it is called.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
function implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code to teardown your specs.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async afterEach.


beforeAll(functionopt, timeoutopt)

Run some shared setup once before all of the specs in the describe are run.

Note: Be careful, sharing the setup from a beforeAll makes it easy to accidentally leak state between your specs so that they erroneously pass or fail.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
function implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code to setup your specs.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async beforeAll.


beforeEach(functionopt, timeoutopt)

Run some shared setup before each of the specs in the describe in which it is called.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
function implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code to setup your specs.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async beforeEach.


describe(description, specDefinitions)

Create a group of specs (often called a suite).

Calls to describe can be nested within other calls to compose your suite as a tree.

Name Type Description
description String

Textual description of the group

specDefinitions function

Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites and specs

expect(actual) → {matchers}

Create an expectation for a spec.

Name Type Description
actual Object

Actual computed value to test expectations against.


expectAsync(actual) → {async-matchers}

Create an asynchronous expectation for a spec. Note that the matchers that are provided by an asynchronous expectation all return promises which must be either returned from the spec or waited for using await in order for Jasmine to associate them with the correct spec.

Name Type Description
actual Object

Actual computed value to test expectations against.

await expectAsync(somePromise).toBeResolved();
return expectAsync(somePromise).toBeResolved();


Explicitly mark a spec as failed.

Name Type Attributes Description
error String | Error <optional>

Reason for the failure.

fdescribe(description, specDefinitions)

A focused describe

If suites or specs are focused, only those that are focused will be executed

Name Type Description
description String

Textual description of the group

specDefinitions function

Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites and specs


fit(description, testFunction, timeoutopt)

A focused it

If suites or specs are focused, only those that are focused will be executed.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
description String

Textual description of what this spec is checking.

testFunction implementationCallback

Function that contains the code of your test.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async spec.


it(description, testFunctionopt, timeoutopt)

Define a single spec. A spec should contain one or more expectations that test the state of the code.

A spec whose expectations all succeed will be passing and a spec with any failures will fail.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
description String

Textual description of what this spec is checking

testFunction implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code of your test. If not provided the test will be pending.

timeout Int <optional>

Custom timeout for an async spec.



Mark a spec as pending, expectation results will be ignored.

Name Type Attributes Description
message String <optional>

Reason the spec is pending.

spyOn(obj, methodName) → {Spy}

Install a spy onto an existing object.

Name Type Description
obj Object

The object upon which to install the Spy.

methodName String

The name of the method to replace with a Spy.


spyOnAllFunctions(obj) → {Object}

Installs spies on all writable and configurable properties of an object.

Name Type Description
obj Object

The object upon which to install the Spys


the spied object


spyOnProperty(obj, propertyName, accessTypeopt) → {Spy}

Install a spy on a property installed with Object.defineProperty onto an existing object.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
obj Object

The object upon which to install the Spy

propertyName String

The name of the property to replace with a Spy.

accessType String <optional>

The access type (get|set) of the property to Spy on.


xdescribe(description, specDefinitions)

A temporarily disabled describe

Specs within an xdescribe will be marked pending and not executed

Name Type Description
description String

Textual description of the group

specDefinitions function

Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites and specs

xit(description, testFunctionopt)

A temporarily disabled it

The spec will report as pending and will not be executed.

Name Type Attributes Description
description String

Textual description of what this spec is checking.

testFunction implementationCallback <optional>

Function that contains the code of your test. Will not be executed.

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
matcherName String

The name of the matcher that was executed for this expectation.

message String

The failure message for the expectation.

stack String

The stack trace for the failure if available.

passed Boolean

Whether the expectation passed or failed.

expected Object

If the expectation failed, what was the expected value.

actual Object

If the expectation failed, what actual value was produced.


Callback passed to parts of the Jasmine base interface.

By default Jasmine assumes this function completes synchronously. If you have code that you need to test asynchronously, you can declare that you receive a done callback, return a Promise, or use the async keyword if it is supported in your environment.

Name Type Attributes Description
done function <optional>

Used to specify to Jasmine that this callback is asynchronous and Jasmine should wait until it has been called before moving on.


Optionally return a Promise instead of using done to cause Jasmine to wait for completion.


Information passed to the Reporter#jasmineDone event.

Name Type Description
overallStatus OverallStatus

The overall result of the sute: 'passed', 'failed', or 'incomplete'.

incompleteReason IncompleteReason

Explanation of why the suite was incomplete.

order Order

Information about the ordering (random or not) of this execution of the suite.

failedExpectations Array.<Expectation>

List of expectations that failed in an afterAll at the global level.

deprecationWarnings Array.<Expectation>

List of deprecation warnings that occurred at the global level.


Information passed to the Reporter#jasmineStarted event.

Name Type Description
totalSpecsDefined Int

The total number of specs defined in this suite.

order Order

Information about the ordering (random or not) of this execution of the suite.


Name Type Description
id Int

The unique id of this spec.

description String

The description passed to the it that created this spec.

fullName String

The full description including all ancestors of this spec.

failedExpectations Array.<Expectation>

The list of expectations that failed during execution of this spec.

passedExpectations Array.<Expectation>

The list of expectations that passed during execution of this spec.

deprecationWarnings Array.<Expectation>

The list of deprecation warnings that occurred during execution this spec.

pendingReason String

If the spec is pending, this will be the reason.

status String

Once the spec has completed, this string represents the pass/fail status of this spec.


Name Type Description
id Int

The unique id of this suite.

description String

The description text passed to the describe that made this suite.

fullName String

The full description including all ancestors of this suite.

failedExpectations Array.<Expectation>

The list of expectations that failed in an afterAll for this suite.

deprecationWarnings Array.<Expectation>

The list of deprecation warnings that occurred on this suite.

status String

Once the suite has completed, this string represents the pass/fail status of this suite.