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This page is for an older version of Jasmine (3.2).
The current stable version of Jasmine is: 5.6. You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Namespace: jasmine




Default number of milliseconds Jasmine will wait for an asynchronous spec to complete.


Maximum number of array elements to display when pretty printing objects. This will also limit the number of keys and values displayed for an object. Elements past this number will be ellipised.


Maximum number of charasters to display when pretty printing objects. Characters past this number will be ellipised.


Maximum object depth the pretty printer will print to. Set this to a lower value to speed up pretty printing if you have large objects.


(static) addCustomEqualityTester(tester)

Add a custom equality tester for the current scope of specs.

Note: This is only callable from within a beforeEach, it, or beforeAll.

Name Type Description
tester function

A function which takes two arguments to compare and returns a true or false comparison result if it knows how to compare them, and undefined otherwise.


(static) addMatchers(matchers)

Add custom matchers for the current scope of specs.

Note: This is only callable from within a beforeEach, it, or beforeAll.

Name Type Description
matchers Object

Keys from this object will be the new matcher names.


(static) addSpyStrategy(name, factory)

Add a custom spy strategy for the current scope of specs.

Note: This is only callable from within a beforeEach, it, or beforeAll.

Name Type Description
name String

The name of the strategy (i.e. what you call from and)

factory function

Factory function that returns the plan to be executed.

(static) any(clazz)

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is an instance of the specified class/constructor.

Name Type Description
clazz Constructor

The constructor to check against.

(static) anything()

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is not null and not undefined.

(static) arrayContaining(sample)

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value is an Array that contains at least the elements in the sample.

Name Type Description
sample Array

(static) arrayWithExactContents(sample)

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value is an Array that contains all of the elements in the sample in any order.

Name Type Description
sample Array

(static) clock() → {Clock}

Get the currently booted mock {Clock} for this Jasmine environment.


(static) createSpy(nameopt, originalFnopt) → {Spy}

Create a bare Spy object. This won't be installed anywhere and will not have any implementation behind it.

Name Type Attributes Description
name String <optional>

Name to give the spy. This will be displayed in failure messages.

originalFn function <optional>

Function to act as the real implementation.


(static) createSpyObj(baseNameopt, methodNames) → {Object}

Create an object with multiple Spys as its members.

Name Type Attributes Description
baseName String <optional>

Base name for the spies in the object.

methodNames Array.<String> | Object

Array of method names to create spies for, or Object whose keys will be method names and values the returnValue.


(static) empty()

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is empty.

(static) falsy()

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is null, undefined, 0, false or anything falsey.

(static) getEnv() → {Env}

Get the currently booted Jasmine Environment.


(static) notEmpty()

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is not empty.

(static) objectContaining(sample)

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared contains at least the keys and values.

Name Type Description
sample Object

The subset of properties that must be in the actual.

(static) stringMatching(expected)

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value is a String that matches the RegExp or String.

Name Type Description
expected RegExp | String

(static) truthy()

Get a matcher, usable in any matcher that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. toEqual, toContain, or toHaveBeenCalledWith), that will succeed if the actual value being compared is true or anything truthy.