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This page is for an older version of jasmine-browser-runner (1.4).
The current stable version of jasmine-browser-runner is: 3.0. You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Interface: ImportMap



imports :Object.<string, string>

A single, unscoped module specifier map.

  • Object.<string, string>

moduleRootDir :string

Optional directory that specifies the root for relative paths in import map (if required).

For example, if you only use import paths that resolve to absolute targets, e.g. 'my-pkg': 'https://mycdn.url/my-pkg', then you do not need this dir option. But if you need to reference a folder, e.g. node_modules, then this is required.

moduleRootDir is evaluated relative to the project base directory, which is typically the current working directory from which jasmine-browser-runner is run.

  • string

scopes :Object.<string, Object.<string, string>>

Map of one or more scoped module specifier maps.

  • Object.<string, Object.<string, string>>