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This page is for an older version of jasmine-browser-runner (1.4).
The current stable version of jasmine-browser-runner is: 3.0. You can also look at the docs for the next release: Edge

Interface: ServerCtorOptions


Specifies the configuration for Server. The only required properties are specDir and srcDir, although in practice you'll almost certainly want to provide at least specFiles and srcFiles as well.



cssFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of CSS file paths or globs that match CSS files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#srcDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined

helpers :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of helper file paths or globs that match helper files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#specDir. Helpers are loaded before specs.

  • Array.<string> | undefined

jasmineCore :any|undefined

The instance of jasmine-core to use. Use this if you need to load jasmine-core in a nonstandard way. Most of the time it should be omitted.

  • any | undefined

port :number|undefined

The port to listen on.

  • number | undefined

projectBaseDir :string|undefined

The root directory of the project.

  • string | undefined

specDir :string

The directory that spec files are contained in, relative to ServerCtorOptions#projectBaseDir.

  • string

specFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of spec file paths or globs that match spec files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#specDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined

srcDir :string

The directory that source files are contained in, relative to ServerCtorOptions#projectBaseDir.

  • string

srcFiles :Array.<string>|undefined

An array of sourec file paths or globs that match source files. Each path or glob will be evaluated relative to ServerCtorOptions#srcDir.

  • Array.<string> | undefined

useHtmlReporter :boolean|undefined

Whether to use Jasmine's default HTML reporter.

  • boolean | undefined
Default Value:
  • true